The rules for this are pretty much the same as for the One Lovely Blogger Award. Tag 15 of your favourite blogs and then let them know they have been awarded.
So here it goes, I'll try to tag people who i didn't tag for the one lovely blog award.. I've found a few new blogs since then so it should be pretty easy! :)
Clearly Beautiful
Juicygirl (i tagged her for the last one, but i just love her blog and she's such a lovely girl!)
Lipstick Rules
My name is Laura, and I'm a makeupaholic!
Peonies and water lilies
Sparklemidori's Beauty Blog
So that's only 12 but those are either new blogs I've discovered lately or ones that i didn't include in the last award (i don't follow hundreds of blogs, just ones i really like or its hard to keep up).
Enjoy! :)
Charlotte. xx
Thank you sweetie! I love your blog too! I will post this as soon as I can! xoxo
Thank for for the award :)
Your welcome! :)
OMG my first award! Thanks!!! :o) xoxo
Aww, your welcome! :) xx
Aww, Wow! Thanks *blush* :D
Congrats on your new award you deserve it girl :) & thanks for passing it on to me means alot xoox loving the new back ground btw very pretty :)
Thank you so much for the award (:
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